Author: A.M. Hargrove
Publication Date: December 17th 2013 (first published December 13th 2013)
Goodreads URL: HERE
Plot: A male Romance Author… a convention in Vegas… a female book blogger… a goal to lose her virginity… what next? Find out when you mix all the above!
Fallon McKinley is headed to Vegas for the Wicked Wenches Romance Con and losing her virginity is only one of her goals. The other is to meet her favorite author of romance novels, R.T. Sinclair. What she doesn’t realize is that the sexy green-eyed god she rams into at the airport is the real R.T. When they keep running into each other, she’s shocked, but excited, because the attraction is irresistible.
Ryland Thomas Sinclair doesn’t want anyone to know his true identity. He’s the author that all women love, but everyone thinks he’s a female. He hides his persona behind the public face of his twin sister, keeping his own a secret. But after meeting the lovely Fallon, his intentions to avoid a relationship come to a screeching halt. She’s put an unwanted kink into his perfectly laid out plans. His unusual reaction surprises him because after a heart-shredding breakup a few years ago, he’s managed to avoid women at all costs.
Resisting Fallon becomes more difficult than he imagines. Soon things are spiraling out of control, until a major miscommunication has Fallon walking out of his home and his life. Will Ryland Thomas succeed in losing the woman he loves? Or can he win her back?
So now, I’m positive she must
think I have some mental disorder. Every time I’m near her, after a few
minutes, I haul ass. No question, the gorgeous girl addles the hell out of me.
But why wouldn’t she? She’s everything I’ve never dreamed of. A tall, redheaded
American with a southern accent. I always thought, if I ever pulled my head out
of my arse long enough to actually go after a girl, I’d end up with a blond
Iris-look-alike. But this one with her gray eyes and full lips I want to lick
and suck until I hear her moan… well, damn… this writer here is suddenly at a
loss for words.
This potential complication is
one I must avoid. I can see myself falling head first into those gray eyes and
never climbing back out. And that damn body of hers. When I close my eyes I can
imagine the way her skin would feel beneath my fingers and it traps the damn
air in my chest. Why the bloody hell does she have to show up here, and looking
like that no less? I would pay her to let me slide my thumbs across those
nipples of hers. Or better yet, mold my hands around the perfect cheeks of her
Hell, I need to go home and
take a cold shower. That girl has me way too jacked up for my own good. I feel
like writing erotica instead of a romance novel right now. It would probably be
a best seller, too, if I kept her on my mind the whole time.
Since the temps had dropped
somewhat, I decide I’d rather walk the few blocks to the hotel versus taking a
cab. Maybe it’ll help calm my dick down and clear my head. As I enter the
lobby, my phone vibrates and I see it’s Tilly.
“Why did you abandon Fallon?”
Her voice is harsh with disapproval.
She knows. I didn’t realize old
hawk eyes had been watching.
“Tilly, doesn’t anything I do
get past you?”
“Nothing. Answer me, Ryland
“Bloody hell, I didn’t abandon
her. I simply left after the song ended.”
“Well, she thinks she has bad
“What?” Then I laugh as I think
about it. It really does make perfect sense.
“So you have to apologize to
“For what? Making her think she
has bad breath. It’s funny, Tills. Come on.”
“It’s not. She’s a lovely girl
with hurt feelings.”
“Because she thinks that I
think her breath stinks when it doesn’t? That’s rubbish.” It’s a wonder I ever
sold any books. The mechanics of a woman’s mind escapes me, so how the hell do
I ever write romance?
“No it isn’t. What if someone
told you your teeth were wonky? Wouldn’t that hurt your feelings?”
“No. I don’t care what my teeth
look like!”
“Bollocks! You do care. You’re
always flossing and brushing. I’ve seen those bleaching whatchamacallits in
your bathroom, too.”
Oh God. I groan. “Okay, so I
care about my teeth. Come on, Tills. This is crazy. Why are we discussing my
dental care?”
“If you don’t tell that poor
thing you’re sorry, I’m going home tomorrow morning.”
“You can’t do that. You’re up
for an award tomorrow night. What if you win?”
“It’s not me, you bloody fool!
It’s you and you’ll just have to accept it, like you should’ve been doing now
for the past three years.”
I harrumph and scowl at my
phone. I can’t possibly reveal the true identity of R.T. Sinclair and risk
everything I’ve worked so hard for over the last three years.
“Okay. You win. I’ll find her
tomorrow and apologize.”
“That’s not enough. You’ll take
her out tomorrow night and act the perfect date, too.”
“Absolutely. And if you run off
with your tail tucked between your legs, I’m done with this whole charade of
She isn’t kidding. I know Tilly
as well as I know myself. We’re two peas in that stupid, rotten pod. “Damn you,
Tills. Your fucking chain is squeezing the damn life outta me. Loosen it up
As I was writing Exquisite Betrayal, I hopped on Twitter one
day and noticed I had a new follower. It was a band called She Said Fire. Their
name grabbed my attention so I followed the link to their website and took a
listen to their music. Fate is a funny thing really. I’d been working on a
scene between Fallon and Ryland Thomas, and it was one of those heart-wrenching
scenes where blood is spilled (well, not quite, but you know what I mean). As I
listened to all the tracks on She Said Fire’s Boom! EP, I absolutely fell in
love with the song Better Ways. It was perfect for the scene I was writing and
I knew I had to have the lyrics as the foreword for the book.
I hopped back to Twitter and sent She Said Fire a tweet
along with a DM and got a quick reply. From there, Joshua Hawskley, the lead
singer for the group, and I began exchanging emails. He and the rest of the gang at SSF graciously
agreed to allow me to use the song in my book. So not only does Better Ways
appear in the foreword, but She Said Fire is also mentioned in the book, along
with some of their other works. This band is AH-Mazing. They are a highly
talented group of four—three hot guys and one gorgeous girl—and they play such
a diverse sound that you can’t stop listening to them. My only problem is that
I want MORE! If you want to learn more about them, you can stalk them on
Facebook at Http://www.facebook.com/SheSaidFire
So, if you go to Spotify and check out the Exquisite
Betrayal Playlist, you can’t help but notice that She Said Fire has a few songs
featured on it, namely, Better Ways, Funhouse and Sleeping Through The
*pssst… as part of the Exquisite Betrayal release giveaway,
the She Said Fire Boom! EP Download will be included! So don’t forget to enter!
Win a bracelet, a “She Said Fire” t-shirt & Boom! EP album download, signed copy of Tragically Flawed, & $100 Amazon Gift Card.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1gAOchP
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/JyBv9u
iTunes: http://bit.ly/1c6VuI8

One day, on her way home from work as a sales manager, A. M. Hargrove, realized her life was on fast forward and if she didn't do something soon, it would quickly be too late to write that work of fiction she had been dreaming of her whole life. So, she rolled down the passenger window of her fabulous (not) company car and tossed out her leather briefcase. Luckily, the pedestrian in the direct line of fire was a dodge ball pro and had über quick reflexes enabling him to avoid getting bashed in the head. Feeling a tad guilty about the near miss, A. M. made a speedy turn down a deserted side street before tossing her crummy, outdated piece-of-you-know-what laptop out the window. She breathed a liberating sigh of relief, picked up her cell phone, called her boss and quit her job. Grinning, she made another call to her hubs and told him of her new adventure (after making sure his heart was beating properly again).
So began A. M. Hargrove's career as a YA/NA and Adult Romance writer. Her books include the following: Edge of Disaster, Shattered Edge and Kissing Fire (The Edge Series); The Guardians of Vesturon series (Survival, Resurrection, Determinant, reEmergent and Beginnings); Dark Waltz and Tragically Flawed.
Other than being in love with writing about being in love, she loves chocolate, ice cream and coffee and is positive they should be added as part of the USDA food groups.
Author Links:
Blog: http://amhargrove.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amhargrove1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMHargroveAuthor
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5338829.A_M_Hargrove
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/amhargrove1/

Thanks so much for being a part of the EB Release tour! xoxo