Title: Fighting to Forgive (Fighting, #2)
Author: J.B. Salsbury
Publication Date: November 19th 2013 by JB Salsbury LLC
Goodreads URL: HERE
Plot: What do you do when everything you avoid, turns out to be exactly what you need?
Easy and predictable, just the way he likes it, Blake Daniels flies through life the way he burns through women: on his terms, no regrets.
With his fighting career in full swing, he's on the threshold of title contention. But when his training is compromised by injury, the stakes grow impossibly higher. The rage that fuels his punches also chips away at his focus, and he risks losing everything he cares about.
He won’t let that happen. Not again.
Layla’s through with men. After a marriage that never should’ve happened, she hopes to reclaim the pieces of the woman she lost years ago.
Emotional abuse has left her insecure and terrified. A master at faking what she’s not feeling, she masks her self-doubt in false confidence.
She’ll never let another man hurt her. Not again.
Chased by shadows of the past, Blake and Layla know what they don’t want, but their hearts have a different plan. As a web of lies and betrayal threatens to destroy them, they’re forced to make a choice.
Is love enough to heal even the deepest wounds?
Or will they be left Fighting to Forgive?
Author: J.B. Salsbury
Publication Date: November 19th 2013 by JB Salsbury LLC
Goodreads URL: HERE
Plot: What do you do when everything you avoid, turns out to be exactly what you need?
Easy and predictable, just the way he likes it, Blake Daniels flies through life the way he burns through women: on his terms, no regrets.
With his fighting career in full swing, he's on the threshold of title contention. But when his training is compromised by injury, the stakes grow impossibly higher. The rage that fuels his punches also chips away at his focus, and he risks losing everything he cares about.
He won’t let that happen. Not again.
Layla’s through with men. After a marriage that never should’ve happened, she hopes to reclaim the pieces of the woman she lost years ago.
Emotional abuse has left her insecure and terrified. A master at faking what she’s not feeling, she masks her self-doubt in false confidence.
She’ll never let another man hurt her. Not again.
Chased by shadows of the past, Blake and Layla know what they don’t want, but their hearts have a different plan. As a web of lies and betrayal threatens to destroy them, they’re forced to make a choice.
Is love enough to heal even the deepest wounds?
Or will they be left Fighting to Forgive?
“Mouse… I love you. I’ve never loved anyone in my entire life. And then you come along, and… my music, my fighting? None of it means anything without you. My life means nothing without you.”
The good: Very well-written and crafted !! It has a solid and refreshing plot line; as well as great story elements and likable characters.
The bad: Nothing constructive to embellish on.
•.¸. ♥★
The characters:

6’2”, Buzzed light brown hair, and green eyes. Is a top UFL fighter. Has a large tattoo that covers part of his left pec and bleeds down to his ribs. Also possesses a mysterious room in his condo and a secret unbeknownst to others.
Is taken with Layla and her defiant yet feisty personality; she’s different from other girls and doesn’t take Blake’s sh*t. Nicknames and calls Layla “Mouse.”

•.¸. ♥★
My thoughts:
Remember this quote from Fighting For Flight when Blake proclaimed,
"Remind me when I decide to settle down to find a girl without baggage. Preferably one with no family. No kids, ex-husbands, pyscho dads, fucking skeletons in the closet. None of that shit. I'd rather stay single my entire life, banging anyone who can keep up, than take on some chick with issues. You can tattoo that on my ass if you don't believe me."
Well readers, he definitely ate his words in “Fighting to Forgive”!
I am very impressed with how “Fighting to Forgive” panned out. At first, going into it, I was a bit skeptical since I had loved Jonah’s story so much (“Fighting For Flight”) but Blake’s one was a pleasant surprise.
Blake, like Jonah, started out as a man whore of endless one night stands. He meets Layla when she takes a position at the training facility for UFL fighters and their worlds are forever turned upside down.
Layla, is like no woman Blake and ever met and literally shakes all of his pre-conceived thoughts of women stemming from his own personal feelings towards his mother:
“ Her story laughs in the face of my preconceived ideas of women. She didn’t show weakness, but immense strength. She wasn’t selfish, but gave up her comforts for another.
Layla chose the fight, the struggle, and the sacrifice.”
As for Layla, Blake isn’t the man she thought him to be. After leaving her abusive husband of over sixteen years, when she meets Blake she immediately labels him as a player and another person who could possibly break her even more.
But of course, since this is their love story, and our male heroine is a steam roller, he breaks through her barriers…it’s just a matter of time!…
•.¸. ♥★
Over all though, what stood out for me is how both characters brought out each other’s demons and insecurities to the surface. Both feed equally off each other’s strengths and weaknesses beautifully and it’s interesting to see the fight they bring each other to face their own personal wars head on.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum." “If you want peace, prepare for war. It means you fight. Anything worth having in this life, you fight to get. And you don’t stop fighting until you get it.”
In a sense, like how the title of the book infers, it’s all about coming to a place of forgiveness in order to move on and having people in your corner to always have your back and to help spur you on.
“Everyone needs someone fighting in their corner, Blake. I’ve never had that, and neither have you. You own my heart, and everything that comes with it.”
I just loved how they shook each other’s foundations and preconceptions of themselves and others and how they all and all heal each other in the end.
•.¸. ♥★
My verdict:
A MUST READ! I cannot stress that enough!
It has everything I wanted: a solid plot, a steamy romance, a strong and opinionated female heroine, and a sexy alpha male!!
There is so many quotes that I love that specifically came from Blake because I loved his kinky and possessive nature over Layla! In fact, I’ll list them since I can’t help myself!
- “She’s hot, cute, and fiery in a way that makes me want to tame her.”
- “You want to know what B.D. stands for?..Big Dick.”
- ”My gaze back to Layla. She’s removed her net-sweater and is walking around in her linenpants and string bikini top. Dammit. I should have marked those gorgeous breasts up with my mouth when I had the chance. That would’ve kept her covered.”
- “I don’t know. I’d be nervous about putting things in my body that I can’t even pronounce.”
“Yeah? Can you pronounce Blake’s Snake?”
“How ‘bout Blake’s tongue? Blake’s finger—”
*Naughty naughty Blake! ;) *
•.¸. ♥★
As of now, I can’t wait for the next book in the series, "Fighting To Forget", which is Rex’s story!! Yay!! I hope after that the next story will be Killian “The Killer” (Jonah’s young fanboy from “Fighting For Flight”) and Layla’s daughter's story and the next after Blake's brother's story since I am very curious about him!!
Pick this up guys when it is released!! You will not be disappointed!!
My Rating:
-Overall : 9
-Plot : 8.5
-Writing : 8.5
-Characters : 8.5
-Cover : 8
Interview with J.B.Salsbry!:
Black= ME
Pink= Author
Hey J.B. Salsbury,
As you already know from our lovely conversations over Goodreads, my name is Kawehi from Kawehi’s Book Blog. I had the privilege of being granted the ARC of “Fighting to Forgive” for your blog tour and would like to ask you some questions. So here we go! ;)
Hi, Kawehi! It’s an honor to be on your blog. Thanks for having me.
1) How did you come up with the idea for this book? What inspired you to write it?
Blake’s book came to me the exact same way that all the books come to me. The best way to describe it is a kind of possession. *cue exorcism music* While I was writing Fighting for Flight, Blake showed up loud and determined. He kept talking and talking, telling me his story, and I had to shush him more times that he appreciated. The second Flight was released, I began typing the story Blake told, and Layla came along then, loud and clear.
I was inspired for the plot by the media attention that sports organizations get when athletes behave badly. One in particular that brought a background sport to the mainstream. I thought a lot about the saying, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”, and Blake’s external conflict was born.
2) Are any of the characters based on people you know?
Yes! Almost every character I write has a quality or qualities of my friends, family, and acquaintances. If I listed them all, it would take pages. But here’s a few…
All my alpha male heroes have a bit of my husband in them. Blake’s *secret* is all my hubs.
Layla was easy to write because I pulled a ton of her characteristics from myself. Her hair twirling, confidence on the outside to cover up her insecurities on the inside, sass and backtalk, her possessiveness, and her slight rebellious nature as a teen is all me.
Eve is very much like a friend of mine, especially Eve and Layla’s interaction at the club at the end of the book. I’m pretty sure my girlfriend and I have been in similar predicaments together more than once.
Elle is loosely based on my goddaughter who is gorgeous and delivers the best teenage “whatever” I’ve ever seen.
As far as the bad guys and the bitchy girls go? My lips are sealed. ;)
3) Both Blake and Layla go through a lot in their lives and relationship. Is there anything you would like readers to take back from them or from reading your story?
Absolutely. Blake and Layla’s story revolves around forgiveness. I read a quote once that said “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other guy dies”. I completely agree.
I see forgiveness as a necessary component to living a happy life. Harboring bad feelings toward someone who hurts you does nothing to punish the person, and everything to keep you from pulling every ounce of happiness there is out of life. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you get an apology or even recognition for your hurt, but it means YOU recognize that you’re not going to carry around the negative weight forever.
And furthermore, forgiving yourself for your mistakes is no different. Accepting responsibility for hurting someone, and then resolving to let it go and move forward can make all the difference in the quality of the years you have left on this earth.
Blake and Layla have both been hurt badly, but their grudges could potentially keep them from finding the purest love imaginable. And once that love is found, they need to forgive themselves in order to accept it and fully receive it’s healing power.
4) In your own words, what is the moral or message you would like to get across to those who read “Fighting to Forgive”?
Forgiveness isn’t for the weak, it doesn’t come easy, but it’s worth fighting for.
5) Are there any particular quotes or moments that you’re fond of that occur in the book? And if you have, would you mind elaborating as to why they mean something to you?
Oh my gosh! Where to start? There are a few quotes that stick out, but I’m afraid I’d be giving too much away by sharing them.
Every time the voice in Layla’s head would ridicule her I felt really connected to her character. Some of the things that she hears were taken directly from my life experience. I think we’ve all had things said to or about us that never stop haunting our lives. I for one have many, and I know I’m the voice in other people’s heads as well after I’ve said something unthinking. Funny how words can have a lasting affect on a person and their self-esteem, even after decades.
Every interaction between Blake and Elle hit home. I’m a child of divorce and felt drawn to make Blake and Elle’s relationship realistic while also creating a sort of stepchild fantasy. The same goes for Elle’s relationship with her mother. My mom had her hands full during my teenage years. I didn’t make it easy on her. But we became closer because of it.
6) I noticed that the men in this series are alpha types of characters. Are you by chance a major fan of alpha males? If you are, and if any of the men from your Fighting Series were to pursue you, who would you choose and why? Personally, I would choose Killian since I think he’s so adorable! ;)
I’m a MAJOR fan of the alpha male. Gosh, I can only pick one? That’s the hardest question anyone has ever asked me. I love them all, each for different reasons. But if you’re going to force me to pick, I’d say Jonah. Mainly because he was my first love when I started writing, but not because he’s any better than any of the rest of them. Killian is going to be heartbreaker. Just wait!
7) Do you have any advice for aspiring or beginning writers?
Yes, DON’T GIVE UP! One of the hardest things to do as a writer is to put something out there for the public to rip apart. What I’ve learned is opinions are like fingerprints. Everyone has one, and they're all different. A reviewer will rip on one thing, while another will praise it. So, write for YOU! Do what you love, and if you love it, there’s bound to be someone out there that will love it too.
8) Anything you’re currently reading? What do you look for or think what makes a good story?
The last book I read was Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan. I really enjoyed that series. Now, I’m waiting for Kristen Ashley’s Jagged, the latest in her Colorado Mountain series.
For me, what makes a good story is emotional connection. When the characters go through something, I want to feel it too. It doesn’t matter if they’re vampires, bikers, rockstars, or billionaires, as long as I’m emotionally connected, I’m invested. At that point it would take a crowbar to pry that book from my hands. Oh, and um…an alpha male hero always helps. ;)
9) And lastly, do you have anything you can or would like to share with your readers with regards as to what to expect next in the series? We know that next up will be Rex and Saint’s story!
I try to give a story to whoever is screaming the loudest. So yes, next is Rex and Georgia. Eve is biding her time, keeping quiet, but my goal is to tell her story after Rex. I’ve also got Blake’s brother Braeden’s story to tell. There are some unresolved issues in Blake’s story that will be resolved in Brae’s. And of course, we have Killer’s story. He’s actually been clawing away in my head since Fighting for Flight, but he’s not old enough yet. I’d like to tell Camille’s story, Mason, Caleb, and there are some characters in Rex’s band who are starting to whisper as well. The possibilities are endless.
Before I conclude this interview, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to respond to my questions and inquiries. I really appreciate it.
Of course! Indie authors depend on their readers and bloggers to promote their books. So it is I who thank you. ((HUGS))
I was first introduced to the “Fighting Series” when a friend of mine had recommended it to me and reviewed it on Goodreads. I’m obsessed with alpha male characters that can fight so when I saw the cover and synopsis of your book I was instantly appealed.
Glad I did read it because I am absolutely in love with this series! <3
Once again, thank you for your time and input and I hope to hear from your works again!
Interview with J.B.Salsbry!:
Black= ME
Pink= Author
Hey J.B. Salsbury,
As you already know from our lovely conversations over Goodreads, my name is Kawehi from Kawehi’s Book Blog. I had the privilege of being granted the ARC of “Fighting to Forgive” for your blog tour and would like to ask you some questions. So here we go! ;)
Hi, Kawehi! It’s an honor to be on your blog. Thanks for having me.
1) How did you come up with the idea for this book? What inspired you to write it?
Blake’s book came to me the exact same way that all the books come to me. The best way to describe it is a kind of possession. *cue exorcism music* While I was writing Fighting for Flight, Blake showed up loud and determined. He kept talking and talking, telling me his story, and I had to shush him more times that he appreciated. The second Flight was released, I began typing the story Blake told, and Layla came along then, loud and clear.
I was inspired for the plot by the media attention that sports organizations get when athletes behave badly. One in particular that brought a background sport to the mainstream. I thought a lot about the saying, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”, and Blake’s external conflict was born.
2) Are any of the characters based on people you know?
Yes! Almost every character I write has a quality or qualities of my friends, family, and acquaintances. If I listed them all, it would take pages. But here’s a few…
All my alpha male heroes have a bit of my husband in them. Blake’s *secret* is all my hubs.
Layla was easy to write because I pulled a ton of her characteristics from myself. Her hair twirling, confidence on the outside to cover up her insecurities on the inside, sass and backtalk, her possessiveness, and her slight rebellious nature as a teen is all me.
Eve is very much like a friend of mine, especially Eve and Layla’s interaction at the club at the end of the book. I’m pretty sure my girlfriend and I have been in similar predicaments together more than once.
Elle is loosely based on my goddaughter who is gorgeous and delivers the best teenage “whatever” I’ve ever seen.
As far as the bad guys and the bitchy girls go? My lips are sealed. ;)
3) Both Blake and Layla go through a lot in their lives and relationship. Is there anything you would like readers to take back from them or from reading your story?
Absolutely. Blake and Layla’s story revolves around forgiveness. I read a quote once that said “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the other guy dies”. I completely agree.
I see forgiveness as a necessary component to living a happy life. Harboring bad feelings toward someone who hurts you does nothing to punish the person, and everything to keep you from pulling every ounce of happiness there is out of life. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you get an apology or even recognition for your hurt, but it means YOU recognize that you’re not going to carry around the negative weight forever.
And furthermore, forgiving yourself for your mistakes is no different. Accepting responsibility for hurting someone, and then resolving to let it go and move forward can make all the difference in the quality of the years you have left on this earth.
Blake and Layla have both been hurt badly, but their grudges could potentially keep them from finding the purest love imaginable. And once that love is found, they need to forgive themselves in order to accept it and fully receive it’s healing power.
4) In your own words, what is the moral or message you would like to get across to those who read “Fighting to Forgive”?
Forgiveness isn’t for the weak, it doesn’t come easy, but it’s worth fighting for.
5) Are there any particular quotes or moments that you’re fond of that occur in the book? And if you have, would you mind elaborating as to why they mean something to you?
Oh my gosh! Where to start? There are a few quotes that stick out, but I’m afraid I’d be giving too much away by sharing them.
Every time the voice in Layla’s head would ridicule her I felt really connected to her character. Some of the things that she hears were taken directly from my life experience. I think we’ve all had things said to or about us that never stop haunting our lives. I for one have many, and I know I’m the voice in other people’s heads as well after I’ve said something unthinking. Funny how words can have a lasting affect on a person and their self-esteem, even after decades.
Every interaction between Blake and Elle hit home. I’m a child of divorce and felt drawn to make Blake and Elle’s relationship realistic while also creating a sort of stepchild fantasy. The same goes for Elle’s relationship with her mother. My mom had her hands full during my teenage years. I didn’t make it easy on her. But we became closer because of it.
6) I noticed that the men in this series are alpha types of characters. Are you by chance a major fan of alpha males? If you are, and if any of the men from your Fighting Series were to pursue you, who would you choose and why? Personally, I would choose Killian since I think he’s so adorable! ;)
I’m a MAJOR fan of the alpha male. Gosh, I can only pick one? That’s the hardest question anyone has ever asked me. I love them all, each for different reasons. But if you’re going to force me to pick, I’d say Jonah. Mainly because he was my first love when I started writing, but not because he’s any better than any of the rest of them. Killian is going to be heartbreaker. Just wait!
7) Do you have any advice for aspiring or beginning writers?
Yes, DON’T GIVE UP! One of the hardest things to do as a writer is to put something out there for the public to rip apart. What I’ve learned is opinions are like fingerprints. Everyone has one, and they're all different. A reviewer will rip on one thing, while another will praise it. So, write for YOU! Do what you love, and if you love it, there’s bound to be someone out there that will love it too.
8) Anything you’re currently reading? What do you look for or think what makes a good story?
The last book I read was Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan. I really enjoyed that series. Now, I’m waiting for Kristen Ashley’s Jagged, the latest in her Colorado Mountain series.
For me, what makes a good story is emotional connection. When the characters go through something, I want to feel it too. It doesn’t matter if they’re vampires, bikers, rockstars, or billionaires, as long as I’m emotionally connected, I’m invested. At that point it would take a crowbar to pry that book from my hands. Oh, and um…an alpha male hero always helps. ;)
9) And lastly, do you have anything you can or would like to share with your readers with regards as to what to expect next in the series? We know that next up will be Rex and Saint’s story!
I try to give a story to whoever is screaming the loudest. So yes, next is Rex and Georgia. Eve is biding her time, keeping quiet, but my goal is to tell her story after Rex. I’ve also got Blake’s brother Braeden’s story to tell. There are some unresolved issues in Blake’s story that will be resolved in Brae’s. And of course, we have Killer’s story. He’s actually been clawing away in my head since Fighting for Flight, but he’s not old enough yet. I’d like to tell Camille’s story, Mason, Caleb, and there are some characters in Rex’s band who are starting to whisper as well. The possibilities are endless.
Before I conclude this interview, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to respond to my questions and inquiries. I really appreciate it.
Of course! Indie authors depend on their readers and bloggers to promote their books. So it is I who thank you. ((HUGS))
I was first introduced to the “Fighting Series” when a friend of mine had recommended it to me and reviewed it on Goodreads. I’m obsessed with alpha male characters that can fight so when I saw the cover and synopsis of your book I was instantly appealed.
Glad I did read it because I am absolutely in love with this series! <3
Once again, thank you for your time and input and I hope to hear from your works again!
Author Bio:
Bestselling author JB Salsbury lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and two kids. She spends the majority of her day as a domestic engineer. But while she works through her daily chores, a world of battling alphas, budding romance, and impossible obstacles claws away at her subconscious, begging to be released to the page.
Her love of good storytelling led her to earn a degree in Media Communications. With her journalistic background, writing has always been at the forefront, and her love of romance prompted her to sink her free time into novel writing.
Fighting for Flight is her first novel in the MMA romance series.
For more information on the series or just to say hello, visit JB on her Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads.
Where to get your copy!
Fighting For Flight (Book 1) on Amazon
Fighting to Forgive on Amazon
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