Author: G.L. Ross
Genre: Dark Romance (18+ over)
Publication Date: July 2014

Plot: Captain Lance Miller has finally discovered and captured the Goddess of his dreams. Life is everything he ever dreamt it could be and more. He is a Captain with International Air, Owner of an Italian Winery, and Master to his beautiful Miss Lisa Price. But, life can never be this good for very long, right?
Lance brought down his walls and shared his heart. He threw away his manwhore tendencies. He’s been faithful. Lance’s life should be fabulous and it is until he watches all of his dreams crash and burn in front of his horrified eyes.
Flight Attendant Lisa Price has found her Prince Charming; granted he is nothing like she imagined he would be. He is an egotistical playboy who is controlling, demanding, hypnotic, charming, plus downright desirable, gorgeous, and steamy hot! Who could ask for more?
Lisa’s Flyboy has introduced her to her wild, uninhibited side; a side that is eager to discover new adventures inside and outside the bedroom. Lisa’s life is unfolding in front of her beautifully, until she discovers a secret. A secret she desperately needs to share with Lance, but will fate allow her to reveal her secret to the only man who has ever truly owned her heart?
Continue Lance & Lisa’s Turbulent Passion, in Book Two of the Flyboy Trilogy:
Burning Desire by G.L. Ross
☆✮ My Review ✮☆
☆ I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!! ☆
Bk 2 of the Flyboy Trilogy, Burning Desire takes place right after Turbulent Passion left off at.
You learn what happens to Lisa after her plane goes down, is she alive?...injured...or dead?

What could this accident mean for her and Lance?
One thing's for certain: with danger and a harrowing secret in the midst, ANYTHING can happen.
And with these two begrudging factors threatening to take away Lance and Lisa's happiness... how will it all turn out?
My thoughts: To be completely honest, I'm not sure where I stand in regards to this follow up. While I do get the answers I was looking for, the choppy editing and unnamed character POV's before the start of each chapter kind of confused me at times. I didn't know who's mind I was in until I re-read the first two paragraphs to figure out if it was Lance, Lisa, Lucy, or anyone else's recollection of events.
Other than that, everything was good. I can't wait for bk 3 to see the final wrap up for our two heroines!!
My Rating:
-Overall : 7
-Plot : 7
-Writing : 7
-Characters : 7
-Cover : 7
☆✮ Excerpt ✮☆
Fear and shock
devastate my system as I helplessly watch the unsteady plane, carrying my
reason for living, slam on to the landing strip, erupting in a ball of blazing
fire. My heart slams against my aching chest. I scream at the top of my lungs,
Dropping to my knees, I watch the
International Air plane break apart and disintegrate. Through a hazy,
smoke-filled fog I catatonically watch the fire trucks and ambulances lurch
into service. Tears tumble down my cheeks. Shock numbs my system, but
unfortunately not my breaking heart. I
finally opened my heart to someone God and I’ll be damned if you are going to
take her from me now. “Lisa,” I mumble. “God, please save Lisa.”
☆✮ Book Trailer ✮☆
G.L. Ross is a proud, sixth generation, native Texan. As a true Southern Belle, G.L. has always dreamt of the “happily ever after,” the prince riding in on the white horse sweeping her off her feet. She hasn’t found “Prince Charming” – yet (always an optimist) – but finds him every time she writes about her characters “happily ever after” endings.
Her motto in life is to “always find the good” in every person and situation. Whether through laughter, prayer, or a glass of wine or vodka, G.L. finds the good in life and shares her sense of humor, love, and adventure in her stories. Take flight with Lance & Lisa in Turbulent Passion, the first book in the Flyboy Trilogy.
I LOVE to hear from my fans! Please email me at GayleLRoss@gmail.com or visit me on twitter: @GayleL4
or on Facebook: G.L. Ross
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