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August 30th
– September 10th, 2013
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Expected publication: August 30th 2013 by Elyssa Patrick
With one look, I’m his . . .
With one touch, he’s mine . . .
With one kiss, it changes everything between us . . .
I’ve been famous since I can remember. Singing, acting, dancing—I’ve done it all. The tabloids cover my every move, but I don’t want that anymore. I want to be normal, whatever that is.
When I leave Hollywood for college in Vermont, I’m on my own for the first time in my life. This is my chance to figure out who I am and what I want in life.
But it’s a lot harder than I expected. I can’t escape my image. Classes are difficult, and I’m struggling. And then there’s Caleb Fox.
Sexy, intriguing Caleb Fox.
Caleb is the one man who doesn’t want to use me. He breaks down my walls. He challenges me. He wants me. And I just don’t know if I can give him the same—or if he’ll stick around when he finds out my shameful secret that the tabloids haven’t managed to uncover.
Dating him is risky enough, but loving him could break me.
Book Trailer:
Short Excerpt:
runs a finger down my cheek. “You’re blushing.”
always blushing around you.”
know,” he says, a shy grin escaping as he leans closer to me. “I’ve always
wanted to kiss you when you’re blushing.”
draw back slightly to meet his dark, heated gaze. Breathing seems suddenly
impossible, and the space between us too far. “Oh?”
wanted to put my mouth”—his finger traces a path over the apple of my
cheek—“here and . . .
His thumb grazes my cheekbone and then down my neck. “And here and here and
so you know,” I say, leaning into his touch, as his fingers continue to stroke
me, pet me, caress my skin that burns under him, “I’ve wanted you to do the
same. And I—”
swallow heavily as Caleb’s head swoops down and he presses his mouth against
the pulse in my neck. His teeth graze oh so gently against me as his tongue
soothes the mark, and then his lips trail up my neck.
were saying?”
hands clutch on his shoulders. “I want to kiss you. Everywhere.”
Playlist for STAY WITH ME
1 Someone Like You - Adele
2 Gravity – Sara Bareilles
3 Starry, Starry Night – Don McLean
4 Dancing Queen - ABBA
1 Someone Like You - Adele
2 Gravity – Sara Bareilles
3 Starry, Starry Night – Don McLean
4 Dancing Queen - ABBA
Catch My Breath -
Kelly Clarkson
6 Make You Feel My Love - Kris Allen
7 Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
8 Everything I Do I Do It For You – Bryan Adams
9 Falling Softly – from the Broadway musical, Once
10 My Life Would Suck Without You – Kelly Clarkson
11 Something – George Harrison
6 Make You Feel My Love - Kris Allen
7 Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley
8 Everything I Do I Do It For You – Bryan Adams
9 Falling Softly – from the Broadway musical, Once
10 My Life Would Suck Without You – Kelly Clarkson
11 Something – George Harrison
To Show Me Your Love – Mike Schmid (this is the song that
plays in the book trailer)
I've never heard of Elyssa Patrick before but I was lucky by the lovely Intel of Goodreads to have. :) A friend of mine had gotten a copy of "Stay With Me" and I knew that the moment I saw the book cover and read the synopsis that I had to get my hands on this book pronto! Hence, I contaced Elyssa Patrick herself and requested a copy in which she graciously granted to me. xoxoxoxo <3
Hailey Bloom has everything a girl could want...fame, fortune, and a massive music and acting career. The only thing she lacks is...a normal life...
She takes off from the celebrity world and enrolls herself into Green College in hopes of starting a new chapter in her life. Of course, this does not happen, as she remains in the public eye no matter how much she hopes to distance herself from it.
It is at a party that she meets hunky male protagonist, Caleb Fox, that things really begin to take flight. Due to the constant scrutiny of what fame brings, Hailey is a bit closed off and unwilling to let Caleb or anyone into her inner shell. She constantly pushes Caleb's efforts and advances away but as well all know a man on a mission will not stop until the object he desires (*cough cough, HAILEY!) is acquired. ;)
Caleb, tries and tries to go the extra mile to mingle his way into Hailey's life. He wants to get to know the REAL her and not the Hollywood persona that fame/she has put out for herself.
“Please, Hailey. You and I both know all of that is not real. I don’t know you, Hailey. Not like I want to. I want to know you, just like I hope you want to know me."
But of course, like in all books, no matter how much Hailey resists Caleb away the more she ends up finding herself stuck in situations with him. This thus develops a strong bond between them and more of an attraction for one another. Walls and facades are brought down and the two find themselves soon falling deeply in love with each other.
"I frown, remembering how I wanted to leave that party all those months ago, full of people who only saw the Hollywood persona I’d been for so many years. All my life really. They had never seen the real me."
The only thing is, is that Hailey holds a big dark secret that could tear everything apart. And with the tabloids on her back will they be able to uncover it? What could it be? Will the media be able to figure out what it is? How will it effect Hailey and Caleb's budding love? How will everything turn out? Read and find out!
"Dating him is risky enough, but loving him could break me."
My thoughts:
Caleb and Hailey make a beautiful couple on a journey of finding love, trust, and friendship. You can't help but love these characters' rawness and vulnerability they bring to one another as well as their undeniable scorching chemistry. So YES, there is some steamy smutt scenes in this read that made me grin like a cheshire cat and squeal like a fan girl. ;)
Another treat that the author brings to the story is Caleb's sister, Daphne. Daphne brought a sprinkle of spice to the book. She reminded me of a Latina with all of her fiery personality. Kind of reminded me of my little sister! Buahahahaha.
My Over All Conclusion:
"Stay With Me" is definitely a book series that I will be following since I honestly really loved it. I literally fell in love with both Hailey and Caleb since they are easy to relate to and grow a liking too. If I were Hailey, I too, would also carry the reservations she carried toward people and herself.
As for Caleb, I absolutely adored him!! How can you not fall for a guy persistently trying to win over your heart and not to mention the fact that he's also hot?! So irresistible!
Lastly, before I conclude this, I would like to once again thank Elyssa Patrick for sending me a copy of this eARC so THANK YOU once more!! I really appreciate it and I look forward to the next book in the series. :)
Where to get your copy!
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ES6A16A/?tag=bookshowme-20
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/stay-with-me-elyssa-patrick/1116744319?ean=2940148752882&cm_mmc=AFFILIATES-_-Linkshare-_-je6NUbpObpQ-_-10:1&r=1
iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/mhb3c34
ARE: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-staywithme-1220177-149.html
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/stay-with-me-16 Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/343598
Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/stay-with-me-elyssa-patrick/1116744319?ean=2940148752882&cm_mmc=AFFILIATES-_-Linkshare-_-je6NUbpObpQ-_-10:1&r=1
iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/mhb3c34
ARE: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-staywithme-1220177-149.html
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/stay-with-me-16 Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/343598
* $50 Amazon Giftcard
* 1-Digital Copy of Stay With Me
* 1-Digital Copy of As You Wish 1-Digital Copy of One Hit Wonder
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Elyssa Patrick writes sexy, emotional contemporary romances and New Adult. She is currently working on her next novel.
website: www.elyssapatrick.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElyssaPatrick
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Elyssa-Patrick/354635801277736
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6469665.Elyssa_Patrick
Elyssa's Favorite things!
Color: Blue
Movie: Gone
With the Wind
Animal: Dogs.
Book: Heart
of Obsidian by Nalini Singh and Gone
With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Song: Hallelujah
by Jeff Buckley (and I always include this song in all my playlists for my
books, no matter what!)
Food: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. And
Vacation Destination: I’d love to go to Paris,
Ireland, and Australia one day.
Play: Twelfth
Night by William Shakespeare and The
Phantom of the Opera for Broadway musical.
Television Show: So many, but some of my faves
are: The Vampire Diaries, Arrow, Parks
& Rec, Downton Abbey, and The
Walking Dead.
City: London, Burlington, and my hometown.
Astrological Sign: Virgo! (My own sign.)
Career Option: Romance and New Adult author. J
Smell: Freshly baked cookies, the ocean,
vanilla, and chocolate.
Season: Summer.
Holiday: Halloween—all that candy!
Day: Saturday
Gift: Books!
Disney cartoon: Belle
Muppet: Cookie Monster
Dessert: Anything chocolate. J
Hi Elyssa,
Thank you so much for granting me the ARC of “Stay With Me.” I absolutely loved it!! I have some questions for you to answer so let’s get to it! Lol. :)
Purple=ME Black=Elyssa
1) How did you come up with the idea for this book? What inspired you to write it?
Hi, Kawehi! Thanks so much for having me on your blog! I’ve wanted to write a New Adult for the last few years, but I never really had a strong idea for a story. I also write contemporary romances (current series is called Rock Stars in Love), and so far, the books have featured famous heroes. I kept thinking how I’d like to really do a famous heroine who actually wants to be non-famous and be “normal.” The whole idea of STAY WITH ME came in a flash of Hailey who has been famous since she can remember but finally gets away from her mother and fame when she goes to college; there, Hailey finally finds herself, and she’s accepted for being her and not the Hailey Bloom. As to inspiration, I’m intrigued by celebrities, and the push and pull they must feel between private and public lives, and what they deal with on a daily basis. And I always hear and read so many horror stories about former child stars who grow up and whose lives are ruined, and I wanted to take a child star who became more famous but who doesn’t end up that route.
2) Are the characters based on anyone you know?
None—they all come from my imagination. But how great would it be if there was a guy out there like Caleb? Or Nick? Or Griff? *swoon*
3) If you had the chance to become a famous singer or actor like Hailey would you take it? Why or why not? And if you were already famous, would you also give it up to live a normal life? Why or why not?
Long ago, when I was in middle school and then high school, I wanted to be famous when I was older. I was badly bullied in school, and I found solace in movies and books, and how these famous stars were also bullied had become someone big. But now? No way. I’m a very private and shy person, and while I studied acting in college, I definitely don’t have the passion for it. And my singing voice is . . . not good. :)
As to if I were already famous and would give it up, I think that depends on a few things. If I loved it—truly loved it—I don’t think I would. But if I was ambivalent about my career and didn’t want it, then I would totally give it up, like Hailey does.
4) Are there any quotes in “Stay With Me” that you particularly love or that holds special meaning to you?
Hmmm, so many to choose from. :) I tend to like everything Caleb says to Hailey, that sweet, sexy guy.
He steps closer to me, a glint in his eyes. “I’m a distraction?”
“A huge one.”
“Good.” He’s so close to me that his breath whispers over my hair. His lips are almost touching my ear. “Because you’re definitely distracting me, too.”
I put my hand against his chest and feel his muscles tighten in response. “Well, then we’re in perfect agreement.”
“And what’s that?”
“Distractions”—I jump when I feel his mouth skate over my earlobe—“are not needed, and that w-we sh-should . . .”
His lips enclose on my lobe, tugging it gently. “You were saying?”
And I also like Hailey’s convo with Griff (one of Caleb’s good friends), mainly because well, of what he says about books and libraries. ;)
“Yup,” he says firmly. “I love books. And I love libraries.”
“Oh.” I fall silent for a few, still processing the fact that this is what Griff wants to do and feeling suddenly foolish as I’m clearly showing what an ignoramus I am. “I love books, too.”
“Good. I never trust anyone who doesn’t love books.”
5) Both Hailey and Caleb go through a lot in their lives and relationship. Is there anything you would like readers to take back from them or from reading your story?
Oh, that’s not my place to say, as what readers should take back from them or my story. I hope whatever it is, though, that it’s good.
6) When reading “Stay With Me,” there were parts where I envisioned certain songs highlighting those moments. Did you listen by chance happen to any particular music when writing scenes of this book? And if so, any sort of music playlist that comes to mind?
I’m curious . . . What songs did you envision? I actually didn’t listen to music while writing the book—I need to write in complete silence. But I would make notes of songs that I thought would fit and made a playlist for STAY WITH ME after I finished the book. One of the songs that is included is To Show You My Love by Mike Schmid, which is the song playing in the book trailer.
7) I noticed that there is a 1.5 as well as a book two and three in the midst. Is there anything you can or would like to reveal to readers about the future installments?
1.5 is a Christmas novella (so figure around 80-100 pages) called CHRISTMAS WITH ME. Jamie is the hero of that novella, and his story takes place during Winter Break when he returns home in Connecticut. While there, he runs into his heroine (Zelda Nichols) who went to high school with him—he never really noticed Zelda, but now he can’t stop thinking about her. It’s told from Zelda’s POV. This will be a funny/sad novella, so I’m nervous as to how readers will react. I hope they like it!
GO WITH ME, With Me #2, is a full-length and will feature Nick Brady as a hero. I’m not yet saying who his heroine is. ;) You can expect that book Spring 2014—probably late May.
Finally DREAM WITH ME, With Me #3, is another full-length and Griff Sinclair is the hero. That will most likely come out Fall 2014.
8) Do you have any advice for aspiring or beginning writers?
Write, write, write, and read, read, read. You only get better by writing and working on your craft. So read writing craft books, take courses, find other writers you can form a critique group with, and join organizations (like RWA) that will help improve your writing.
9) What do you look for in a book or think what makes a good story?
Honestly, I just look for a book that reads good to me. I love romances and New Adult the most, so I love when a book can make me sigh in happiness, bring on the romance and sexytimes, and just make me feel like anything is possible.
10) And lastly, what are you currently reading as of now? I’m curious. ;)
I just finished reading Laura Florand’s upcoming contemporary romance Christmas novella, SNOW-KISSED, and loved it. It features a marriage-in-trouble trope and definitely made me ugly cry, but it’s completely romantic and swoonworthy. Highly recommend her and her books!
Before I conclude this interview, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to respond to my questions and inquiries. I REALLY appreciate it. <3
It was a pleasure to have read “Stay With Me” and I look forward to “Christmas With Me” in December!!
Once again, thank you for your time and input and I hope to hear from your works again!
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