Title: Hybrid (The Healer Series #2)
Author: B.N. TolerPublication Date: March 25th 2014 by B N Toler
Goodreads URL: HERE
Plot: My Aunt Lucy used to say, “If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” She said many wise things I never heeded when she was alive. I want to be the woman that’s okay with hiding from what she fears and letting her big, strong man protect her. But that’s not me. I hate to be scared. I hate the feeling that there is an evil out there that could hurt me if it finds me. But mostly, I hate that so many before me lived in fear and died at the hands of evil. That is why I cannot find peace within. There is no peace for me while Healers suffer the atrocities of others.
I know Rhett would protect me at all costs. He loves me. And that is why I must leave him behind. It’s impossible to justify hurting someone you love—or many you love—to do what you truly believe is right. Lucy also used to say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” I get what she was trying to tell me now. Hindsight is twenty/twenty. Sometimes we choose a path we think will lead us toward a noble cause, full of ambition and altruism, only to look back and see we’ve run over and crushed the ones we love most along the way. I can only pray that one day those I love will forgive me.
I woke up and I left. I left Rhett, the man who saved me from myself. The man I love. I left my brothers—my best friends.
I left.
But leaving led me to more. I found answers. I found others like me—who want what I want.
But most importantly, I found myself.
My name is Aldo Lawson.
I’m awake.
And I’m a Hybrid.

Honestly, B.N. Toler keeps surprising me and surprising me! In a good way that is!
A previously unknown author to me, B.N’s work was introduced to me when she had contacted me out of the blue to read the first book in the series, Healer. At first I nearly turned it down because of the old cover (*ducks head sheepishly) but after reading some lovely reviews on it I decided to take a chance.
Let me just say that from Healer to Hybrid Ms. Toler keeps us on her A-game! I was enthralled with the ever rising stakes she brings to the table of Aldo and her still coming to terms with herself and her destiny.
I was nearly gutted when she left Rhett (especially him! I ♥ him lots that's why!) and all those she loved behind but at the same time I felt that it was necessary. In Hybrid we see her grow, mature, and learn how to stand more on her two feet.
Filled in world of danger, mystery, love, and paranormal suspense, will Aldo come to embrace her role in this foreboding path that could not only put herself and others in danger but risk her life as well? Will she put all fears aside and find the answers that she needs? And most importantly, will she be able to find herself?
An exemplary sequel to the Healer series! Well done, Ms. Toler!
*I received an ARC on behalf of the author for an honest review. Thank you!*

My Rating:
-Overall : 9
-Plot : 9
-Writing : 9
-Characters : 9
-Cover : 8.5
Rhett: Chris Hemsworth
Sarah: Brittany Snow
Thomas: Mark Salling
Flynn: Ryan Gosling
Daniel: Taylor Kitsch
Where to get your copy!:
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IZFL54M/ref=cm_sw_su_dp
About the Author:
Some of her other passions include reading and music. She enjoys most genres including fantasy, erotica, romance and supernatural. She loves to find a book she can't put down. Some of her favorite authors include Charlaine Harris (The Sookie Stackhouse Series), Karen Marie Moning (The Fever Series), Sylvia Day (The Bared to You series), and recently she's become a big fan of Samantha Young (On Dublin Street).
B N Toler loves music and listens to pretty much anything. She's a big fan of blue grass, country, and anything old school. Some of her favorite singers and bands are Johnny Cash, Elvis, Eric Church, The Bootleggers, and old school hip-hop like Salt n Pepa.

Read the first book in the series now for only $.99!

Amazon US: http://amzn.com/B00GRM4RM2
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00GRM4RM2
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1ibgq4D
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